Thursday, October 22, 2009

Do you have a laughing hyena in your life?

Now, I must be careful, I need to bite my tongue. Up front I want to make it clear, that there is absolutely nothing wrong with being happy and enjoying a giggle.
And I'm all for positivity, and positive energy going out..... but sometimes people think their happiness is good, when really it borders on insanity.
There's this girl I know, I come across her now and then in my daily activities. There are times where I go "hmmmmm, she's not that bad," and others where I mutter "Shut the hell up."
Today is the latter day.
There's something to be said about a person who laughs hysterically at a simple remark.
You know, that type of person, when something is said and they move their whole upper torso down and back like they're convulsing?
The sort of person that you almost expect to start hiccuping, that's how out-of-control their laughing is?
But if for some reason you can't identify this kind of person (and if you can, take my advice, GET AWAY FROM THEM!) you can tell this person by the others around you.
Notice what happens when they enter a room. Do people roll their eyes? Do people make comment about their absence, and take peculiar joy in it?
Hmmmmm. Makes you think.
There's just something to be said for a person who tells you about what socks they've bought, what colour they are and when they will be worn; how they cleaned their house this morning, how long it took them, what cleaning products they used; someone that shows photos to people that don't care, while onlookers try to writhe away slowly, around the corner.....
Are you starting to get a picture??
Yes. That annoyingly, irritatingly person that drives people up the wall with their overly excitable, over-the-top, false, 'me, me, me' exterior.
Go away already will you?

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