Monday, March 10, 2014

This feels weird... Not

This was the last thing I was expecting to do when I logged onto my computer at approximately 9:30pm tonight.
Well not the last last thing... perhaps the last thing would have been to search for illegal weapons and look up porn. You know what I mean.

What I'm trying to say is it's been a LONG time. Very long. I can't believe I missed the year of 2013 completely. When I explain below, trust me, I will be forgiven.

I alluded to it in my last post, of things coming into fruition in the new year, which has now become last year...

In chronological order (I guess)

that family member... passed away. It was a very sad and difficult experience, and continues to be for all involved.

I had a baby! (on the total flipside). This is obviously very good news. I love her to pieces (I had a girl, clearly) and she's been our sunshine in the midst of so much darkness. She makes our lives brighter every day.

That's what I was alluding to in my last post: I was pregnant then, you see. It's difficult to go through a pregnancy when someone is so sick, and then unfortunately passes. Horrible for the sick person, horrible for the family, horrible for the pregnant person. I do not wish it upon my worst enemy. Both the sickness and being pregnant for the first time while someone you care for is ill.

I sent the first three chapters of my book to that agent who was showing interest, and after all that, she told me days before I had the baby that she was, after all, not interested in that 'style.' So after doing the whole sleep-deprivation and going insane in the early months of parenthood, I'm now back on the writing board, have sent queries to some agents and am waiting on one of them to get back to me soon on the first chapter I sent to them. Simultaneously I'm thinking of broadening my search, and am looking at writing jobs online so that I don't have to go back to my old job. I need to move on. I need flexible hours, and I feel sick at the thought of not being around my gorgeous girl while I waste time for hours on the road driving up and down across the city.

I've been doing searches on 'online writing jobs' and having read many an article about bloggers and writing and everything related I thought again (I've thought of it many times by now) how I haven't been on blogger in forever, and so thought I should stop by.

Clicking the 'new post' button though, was interesting. Brought back memories. Who am I kidding not really, but I do miss the blog. I like being anon, but I'm starting to think I need to be more public, in order to succeed in the world of publishing. That might mean eventually dropping this blog and starting a new one, and for that to take effect I can't really take any of my old followers with me, in fear of people in the real world finding out my secrets... LOL because there are so many scandals. Still, people in my life can work out a lot from my writings, hence I need to keep it protected to avoid hurting those around me.

(Big laugh at my mention of 'followers' too, not sure if anyone actually sees this blog despite my massive count of 3... ;) )

So, just thought I'd say, Hi.

Some things have changed, some not so much, some hugely, but ultimately, I'm still Miss S.

Mummy S too.

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