Friday, June 15, 2012

Which direction? Every, it appears…

So you know how a while ago I admitted to my embarrassing old man-crush on James Garner? A.K.A the very cool Jim Rockford from The Rockford Files? Well, even more embarrassingly so it seems, I’ve now swung to the other, cradle-snatching side of the pendulum, focusing my swoony eyes upon… One Direction.

Ouch. So hard to admit.

I find the whole fascination with them utterly hilarious. I’ve made fun of the fans in a very tongue-in-cheek way, of course not forgetting that I too, once upon a time, was a full-fledged teeny-bopper, bouncing along to Hanson… then 5ive… then N*Sync.

Yep. I can’t talk.

So I remember how it’s like. The adolescent fantasies, believing that one day, somehow, we would be together (first it was Taylor, then Scott, then Justin… Justin I still love though ) and the obsessive maniac-ness of it all. Posters, CDs, books scrawled with their names, the aggressive defending of anyone even thinking to bag them or their musical-genius talents. Oh yes, I remember. After a big argument we had, my Mum threatened that she would rip off all my Hanson posters when I was at school.

That was quite possibly the worst day EVER of my 14 year life.

Because I’m familiar with those feelings, I will try be sensitive to 1D-ers. But you must admit, they are HILARIOUS. And I was never that annoying too.

Despite my whole rolling-of-the-eyes façade when I see a posse of little girls run around with their ipods blasting “everyone else in the room can see me, everyone else but youuuuuu…” screaming like cats on heat and professing their undying love and devotion to them, even though they will undoubtedly, DEFINITELY, get over them in a year (look at the above list, IT WILL HAPPEN), I too found myself enjoying them a bit too much yesterday.

You know those fillers they place around movies and stuff during daytime TV? Well I saw one yesterday where No Direction performed in the street set-up on the Today show. They sung 3 songs, the first one was the “that’s what makes you beautiful,” the second was my favourite, the “get up, get up, get out of my head! And fall into my arms instead, I don’t I don’t don’t know what it is, but you’ve got that one thing.”

Oh dear. I know the whole chorus. You sing it and try get it out of your head, I dare you.

Then they sang one more song, I don’t think it’s been released (like I should know, big fan I am! LOL) but it was something like “when he lays me down, it just kills me inside…” I was like WTF? You guys are singing about sex? Do your fans even get wet yet?

Sorry. I know that was inappropriate. I tone my blog down because I can be very rude at times, but I just had to say it. Like seriously people. Are they really watching girls they like getting bonked by other guys? At like 15 or whatever their age is?

Anyway, I can’t talk, because in amongst observing all this teen-drama, I realised that Harry is very cute.

Yes Harry. I’m a Harry-girl.

(I’ll just wait for the 1D death threats and angry mails to start flooding – in “he’s mine!” and “I’ll kill you bitch!” They’re little girls though, so I doubt they use foul language yet, few years to go ‘til they hit 12. :p)

He looks very dreamy and has a really sexy voice, it’s very deep for his young, young years. I did previously think that the black-haired guy was cute, the one who reminds me of AJ from Backstreet Boys. But I think I’ve changed, there’s just something very solemn and perplexing about his gaze, especially when he sang the above ‘guy-laying-you-down-I-die’ bit and held his heart. It was like he was actually HURTING.

LOL. I’m having too much fun now.

But if I was a teenybopper now, I would create outrageous fantasies, with Harry, and black-haired AJ look-a-like fighting over me, and then the other dude, no idea what his name is but the girls went nuts when he sang his part, well he would step in and say “hey, move over guys, she’s mine…”

No! Stop it! It’s wrong, so so wrong.


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