Friday, August 31, 2012


I had to try and refrain from naming the title of this post ‘Ha ha.’ It seems the Murphy’s law fairies are particularly aware of my blogger habits, and so whenever I take especial glee in a holiday, nice weather or having heaps of time (I think a previous post was called ‘Beating Time’) they rain shit and gloom upon me until I have anything but a smile on my face.

Hence the above expression.

Therefore, this post will be written in the most even-tempered of manners.

I have a few points of general ‘fond’ feelings today.

Firstly, it is Friday. This day of the week takes my heart to accelerated heights and gives me thoughts of a fantasy-like nature.

Secondly, it is the last day of Winter. Hence, tomorrow the animals begin to nest, amongst other natural-occurring and temperature-improving happenings that infer a more pleasing time of year. (Hold back throwing arms in air, hold back throwing arms in air…)

Thirdly, I have a 3-day weekend. This is most satisfactory to my life situation, and gives me time to – tee hee – NO. Stop that. It is very pleasurable.

Lastly, this morning I believed it to be Thursday, if only for 5 seconds. This sensation is on par with waking on a Saturday morning, thinking it to be a workday, and then discovering with gladness that it is not. This too, is encouragingly good.

These 4 points give me an above average level of ease. This is nice. This is most delightful.


Wednesday, August 29, 2012

I'm so weird

This is a completely random post.

I woke up at about 4am this morning to discover I had no top on. It took me a bit to get my head around it – it would have been longer had it not happened the week before, only then I vaguely had the recollection of having ripped it off me in my half-asleep stupor. Only this time I couldn’t remember anything. And I would have had to actually sit upright to get it off of me with the layers of sheets and blankets on top.

So as I fished around for my top in the darkness, I mumbled to Hubbie, “I took my top off,” and he was like “sleep, just sleep.” And then somehow he said to me that I’d been snoring, and he had to nudge me to make me stop. I was like “what? seriously?” Apparently he was. He even imitated the noise I was making. I was like “far out.” As much as he shit stirs he wouldn’t do so in the middle of our sleeping.

I don’t snore. I sleep-talk. However now it appears I’m waking him up from my night noises. And apparently now I’m also in the habit of dis-robing, and I find that funny considering I could have just taken the covers off.


Monday, August 27, 2012

Monday Morning Brilliance at its absolute Mother F&^@ing best

I’ve just come back in to work after 2 weeks of glorious and relaxant mind-altering leave, to THIS:

Annoying prick (who I refuse to grant with an esteemed Miss S. blogger nickname because I hate to even think about let alone speak, or write about him) is up to me within minutes before I’ve even logged in and started previewing my 600 + emails, whining about fixing his shit work which he is incapable of even attempting to learn after his 20 years here.

Fellow no-show boy has called in sick. Notified via email.

And here I find myself doing work and fixing other people’s business before I’ve had a chance to finish my coffee.

How things don’t change.

But it’s ok, as Tony Montana says. It’s ok.

“Back to reality, if only temporarily, because everyone deserves to live their permanent fantasies...”