Happiness Is....
Reading back your writing, from yesterday, last week, last month or even last year, and smiling in happiness. The smile that means 'contentment' 'satisfaction' 'joy' and 'pleasure' in reviewing your own work.
That, for an aspired writer (never mind aspriring writer, I'm the King of the Jungle in astrology for pete's sake - by the way who is pete??) is absolute gold. So rewarding. The feeling of love just rises up from inside.
That's happiness.
This is Me, expressing myself to You. If at times you feel like a counsellor, it's because I find your presence therapeutic. If at other times you feel like you know too much about me, you probably do. And if you find that you enjoy my musings, stick around for the ride.
Saturday, December 31, 2011
Ok, this post is completely random and is going to make absolutely no sense, with my whole writing-in-code thing again (I know random, who would have guessed, duh?!)
Ok, so I have all these thoughts going through my head, having just been trawling through the crap of pile that more often than not is the net.
I know that there are ideas and opinions, values and designs out there, that are naturally going to be repeated elsewhere, somewhere in the world, by pure coincidence. All ideas and thoughts, stories and the such are repeated like this. History repeats itself, we get the same boy and girl story over and over again but re-hashed in different ways, told in different languages, themes and contexts.
If you for example, like one thing, then don't go and copy that thing and try and pass it on as your own. That's plagiarism, that's an invasion of copyright.
That's a freaking pain in the arse.
Seriously though. So I like the Twilight books right? And most of my family and friends KNOW I like the series, have read the books, watched the movies, etc. And then imagine, that this STORY I'm writing, well I come up with an 'original' idea where there is a werewolf, a vampire, and a girl.
And the girl likes the vamp. But the wolf likes the girl.
Sound familiar (DUH!)
It wouldn't be 'original,' because I didn't come up with it! Must I spell the stupidity out? That saying "imitation is the sincerest form of flattery" is complete bullshit. Anyone who has had someone copy them for a portion of their life knows how unbelievably infuriating it can be, having someone pass off your work as their own.
AHHHHH! Please, be original, or piss off!
Can everyone please learn how to spell here? Perhaps there are those out in blogger land that need to go back to the basics. Kindergarten A B C.....
Just because it's the net, and you don't have a teacher grading you, it doesn't give you the right to slander poor passers by with your abhorrent disregard for spelling. It's actually there, not their when you're talking about a location. Try putting an apostrophe between the you and the re, when you combine to make out 'you're.' There is an omission there, so you should learn to mark it.
And like, like learn how to write, right because, I didn't know there was going to, and then, now.
Seriously, there are people who think they can write, but they can't. Such soreness to the eyes.....
And last but not least....
Just a thought. If you were really rich and famous, would you feel it within your power, or even believe it to be right to ask certain inappropriate types to not like you? So for example, if I had a complete wanker yelling out "I love Miss S!" so that everyone would hear, do you think it would be right for me to say "Hey, can you not like me? It's doing some serious damage to my rep?" Is that discriminative? Cruel? Who is the disenchanted one in this picture?
And what if you're not rich and famous, and perhaps you need all the friends you can get... would you tell certain people to back away from you, in order to keep your integrity, despite the lack of fans you have?
I'm all for the integrity. I don't care who it pisses off, I think I would somehow subtlety let the person know I didn't like them, or somehow suggest for them to 'move on.... away from me. Forever.'
It's all about the quality, rather than the quantity for me. All the way.
Sigh. Have I made any sense? Probably not.
Ok, so I have all these thoughts going through my head, having just been trawling through the crap of pile that more often than not is the net.
I know that there are ideas and opinions, values and designs out there, that are naturally going to be repeated elsewhere, somewhere in the world, by pure coincidence. All ideas and thoughts, stories and the such are repeated like this. History repeats itself, we get the same boy and girl story over and over again but re-hashed in different ways, told in different languages, themes and contexts.
If you for example, like one thing, then don't go and copy that thing and try and pass it on as your own. That's plagiarism, that's an invasion of copyright.
That's a freaking pain in the arse.
Seriously though. So I like the Twilight books right? And most of my family and friends KNOW I like the series, have read the books, watched the movies, etc. And then imagine, that this STORY I'm writing, well I come up with an 'original' idea where there is a werewolf, a vampire, and a girl.
And the girl likes the vamp. But the wolf likes the girl.
Sound familiar (DUH!)
It wouldn't be 'original,' because I didn't come up with it! Must I spell the stupidity out? That saying "imitation is the sincerest form of flattery" is complete bullshit. Anyone who has had someone copy them for a portion of their life knows how unbelievably infuriating it can be, having someone pass off your work as their own.
AHHHHH! Please, be original, or piss off!
Can everyone please learn how to spell here? Perhaps there are those out in blogger land that need to go back to the basics. Kindergarten A B C.....
Just because it's the net, and you don't have a teacher grading you, it doesn't give you the right to slander poor passers by with your abhorrent disregard for spelling. It's actually there, not their when you're talking about a location. Try putting an apostrophe between the you and the re, when you combine to make out 'you're.' There is an omission there, so you should learn to mark it.
And like, like learn how to write, right because, I didn't know there was going to, and then, now.
Seriously, there are people who think they can write, but they can't. Such soreness to the eyes.....
And last but not least....
Just a thought. If you were really rich and famous, would you feel it within your power, or even believe it to be right to ask certain inappropriate types to not like you? So for example, if I had a complete wanker yelling out "I love Miss S!" so that everyone would hear, do you think it would be right for me to say "Hey, can you not like me? It's doing some serious damage to my rep?" Is that discriminative? Cruel? Who is the disenchanted one in this picture?
And what if you're not rich and famous, and perhaps you need all the friends you can get... would you tell certain people to back away from you, in order to keep your integrity, despite the lack of fans you have?
I'm all for the integrity. I don't care who it pisses off, I think I would somehow subtlety let the person know I didn't like them, or somehow suggest for them to 'move on.... away from me. Forever.'
It's all about the quality, rather than the quantity for me. All the way.
Sigh. Have I made any sense? Probably not.
Thursday, December 29, 2011
2011: The Year In Review
This past year has been interesting. It has been unexpected at times, trying at others, and above all else a great learning experience. In retrospect, with all the new things that came into my life, whether I initially embraced them or tried to shut them out, I now believe it was all for the best.
Yesterday when I was trying to remember what my resolutions for this year had been, there was only one major one that stood out to me: And which I proudly with the widest smile can say I have given my all. That I will get to later:) However I find it hilarious that I had to think of my resolutions and could only remember one of them, having kind of forgotten the rest. Or had I? As I look through the list to see what I had achieved, although some were far from mind, the opportunites to take these things on board were definitely there, lingering.....
To read, HEAPS more.
Yes, yes and yes. Hold on there was only one point. I guess my point is to emphasise that I did take this on board whole-heartedly. I finished reading several self-help and law of attraction books, have started on "The Celestine Prophecy," started and finished "Persuasion," half-way through that got half-addicted to Jane Austen, am now almost finished reading "Pride and Prejudice" and am definitely addicted to Jane Austen. It may not seem like much (and I do feel I am missing a book somewhere) but compared to the NO BOOKS I was previously reading (or not reading if that makes sense, though I don't think it does) it is a lot, as all I used to previously read was mags and catalogues, which is really quite pathetic if you have to count that as literature. So I, am no longer, pathetic!
Ha ha.
Oh, and although I didn't work out the blogger, listing books, ticking them off thing, I've still succeeded with my main point, so there :P
To complete my first book by the end of the year.
Well, although I am not finished with this huge task, I am so proud to say that I am up to writing chapter 12 of my planned 14 chapter book. Last night I was writing and had to go back and check some stuff I'd written (I've written so much I forget what I've created!) and once again, as has happened on several other occassions, I was really pleased on reading back certain passages. I will need to revise and re-word quite a bit once I've finished my first draft, but considering I've had no formal training (other than my informal blogging of course :) ) I think I've done quite well.
AND, considering that I didn't actually start writing my book 'til the very end of Feb, I figure my resolution should be modified to extend to the end of Feb' 12: which is in fact when I plan to have the draft of my first book completed by. All is on track.
To get fit.
Fail. Ok, well at first I went "fail, massive fail." But then I realised something. Yes I may have started the year off playing basketball with Hubbie a lot, running up and down basketball courts and what-not, with the attempts slowly dwindling to doing NOTHING of the sort. I could use genuine excuses to explain myself. Hubbie's busier schedule and starting a new job; me getting sick at one stage which removed me from all outdoor activities all together with no planned return to them - yes I could use these as an excuse, but I won't (even though I just did). If I had really wanted to do exercise, I would have found a way, no buts about it.
But then I remembered. Due to Hubbie's new job in the last couple of months this year, and the fact that he needs my car to get to and from work, I've been using the train pretty much every single day.
In the morning I walk 10 mins to work from the station. When I finish I walk 10 mins to the station. Then when I get to the station at home, I walk home for 25-30 mins, depending on what shoes I'm wearing.
That's every day of the week I work. Now that's a good effort.
So, I have half-committed to that resolution too, though unintentionally:) I could be lazy and wait 15 mins for the bus to take me home, but I start walking. Procrastination eat your heart out.
To improve all my relationships, full-stop.
This is a tricky one. Grey in some areas, as most relationships are. People who I've in the past been distant with, or who I've been angry with, I've now grown closer to, or have a new-found respect for. Others, who I have struggled with in the past, I still continue to struggle with even now.
Over Christmas I tried to put my extreme dislike of one person behind me, just for the day. It worked, and I managed to see them in a somewhat positive light. But then like today, when I remember the shit petty-ness, insecure mind games and arrogance I've received from them in the past, my anger fuels up again and I feel really mad. It's not black and white. Nothing in life ever really is. But the fact that I'm trying to learn, trying to move on, and trying to accept the fact that in order to solve your relationship problems you need to change yourself, tells me that I've made some progress.
Grrr. Changing myself at the ignorance of others just shits me. I'm not the problem. But often in life you've got to swallow your pride (and let Karma take care of the rest....)
To continue on my path of spiritual growth and self-development.
Yes. Simply put, yes. Through all my reading and thinking and my daily work calendar full of quotes like "First say to yourself what you would be; and then do what you have to do." - Epictetus.
To enjoy life.
This one I completely forgot I wrote down, yet this is the one that must have stayed subconciously in my mind, because this one I, we, have definitely achieved.
We have stepped it up a gear. One of our motto's is "work hard, play hard." We don't always get a chance to do what we want, what with work, family commitments, and other occasions that take up our weekends. So when we do get spare time, we go all out. It may not be big to some, but to us we take extreme pleasure in it: buying coffee whenever we go shopping; eating big and well at very decent restaurants; spoiling ourselves on quality clothes; buying unique and different furniture to furnish our home. We spend a bit more, because that's the kind of life we want: one consisting of quality. Not in the future, but from NOW. Starting from right now.
And we have been doing it, for about 6 months now. Going out, splurging, exploring the town and just smiling. Life is now. You don't wait for tomorrow to enjoy it. That's what we've been doing. Any spare moment we get we enjoy it to the fullest potential, so that when we return to work the next day we don't feel pity for ourselves in seeing someone sitting and relaxing in the sun, and enjoying a coffee at an exclusive cafe.
(Yesterday we had chocolate drizzled cappuccinos and shared a huge waffle for two, drizzled also with chocolate, with side accompaniments of ice cream, strawberries and banana - and today I'm ok with being back at work :) )
Ok, enough reflecting, now for my 2012 Resolutions!
1. To finish the first draft of my first book by late Feb, and by the end of the year have it published with a reputable publisher, with the intention of writing more books in the series for that publisher. This is my first and foremost resolution, it is direct because I know exactly what I want. I'm more than half way there. It WILL happen!
2. To continue to read more, especially in ways that will help along with my writing, and also to read books that will continue to help me better myself spiritually. This is a two-fold resolution. So we'll go to 4.
4. To do some form of exercise ( I have to sigh at this resolution ) however in particular I want to zone in on my arms and make them more toned. I have a goal in mind, as Red has some arm exercises she has to give me in paper form. As soon as she gives them to me, (hopefully soon!) I start! As for the other general exercise, hopefully I will do Zumba with my at-home DVDs, if I can't make myself apply to yoga classes. Yes, as far as resolutions go, my tone in this one sucks, but hey, I have to try, true?
5. To continue living life with Hubbie to the full in every way, shape and form.
6. To continue thinking, believing and LIVING the law of attraction, both for myself and in unison with Hubbie. Although he says I inspired him, some things he has achieved of late have inspired me so much that I want us to continue on this enlightened path, aware that all that we want and aim for in life, we will have.
These, my friends, are my wishes and hopes for myself, and I wish you, all the same happiness, love, health and success that you so rightly deserve.
"Look, I don't have all the answers. To be honest, in life, I failed as often as I succeeded. But I love my wife. I love my life. And I wish you, my kind of success."
- (Best ever end-of-movie quote! 'Jerry Maguire.')
Yesterday when I was trying to remember what my resolutions for this year had been, there was only one major one that stood out to me: And which I proudly with the widest smile can say I have given my all. That I will get to later:) However I find it hilarious that I had to think of my resolutions and could only remember one of them, having kind of forgotten the rest. Or had I? As I look through the list to see what I had achieved, although some were far from mind, the opportunites to take these things on board were definitely there, lingering.....
To read, HEAPS more.
Yes, yes and yes. Hold on there was only one point. I guess my point is to emphasise that I did take this on board whole-heartedly. I finished reading several self-help and law of attraction books, have started on "The Celestine Prophecy," started and finished "Persuasion," half-way through that got half-addicted to Jane Austen, am now almost finished reading "Pride and Prejudice" and am definitely addicted to Jane Austen. It may not seem like much (and I do feel I am missing a book somewhere) but compared to the NO BOOKS I was previously reading (or not reading if that makes sense, though I don't think it does) it is a lot, as all I used to previously read was mags and catalogues, which is really quite pathetic if you have to count that as literature. So I, am no longer, pathetic!
Ha ha.
Oh, and although I didn't work out the blogger, listing books, ticking them off thing, I've still succeeded with my main point, so there :P
To complete my first book by the end of the year.
Well, although I am not finished with this huge task, I am so proud to say that I am up to writing chapter 12 of my planned 14 chapter book. Last night I was writing and had to go back and check some stuff I'd written (I've written so much I forget what I've created!) and once again, as has happened on several other occassions, I was really pleased on reading back certain passages. I will need to revise and re-word quite a bit once I've finished my first draft, but considering I've had no formal training (other than my informal blogging of course :) ) I think I've done quite well.
AND, considering that I didn't actually start writing my book 'til the very end of Feb, I figure my resolution should be modified to extend to the end of Feb' 12: which is in fact when I plan to have the draft of my first book completed by. All is on track.
To get fit.
Fail. Ok, well at first I went "fail, massive fail." But then I realised something. Yes I may have started the year off playing basketball with Hubbie a lot, running up and down basketball courts and what-not, with the attempts slowly dwindling to doing NOTHING of the sort. I could use genuine excuses to explain myself. Hubbie's busier schedule and starting a new job; me getting sick at one stage which removed me from all outdoor activities all together with no planned return to them - yes I could use these as an excuse, but I won't (even though I just did). If I had really wanted to do exercise, I would have found a way, no buts about it.
But then I remembered. Due to Hubbie's new job in the last couple of months this year, and the fact that he needs my car to get to and from work, I've been using the train pretty much every single day.
In the morning I walk 10 mins to work from the station. When I finish I walk 10 mins to the station. Then when I get to the station at home, I walk home for 25-30 mins, depending on what shoes I'm wearing.
That's every day of the week I work. Now that's a good effort.
So, I have half-committed to that resolution too, though unintentionally:) I could be lazy and wait 15 mins for the bus to take me home, but I start walking. Procrastination eat your heart out.
To improve all my relationships, full-stop.
This is a tricky one. Grey in some areas, as most relationships are. People who I've in the past been distant with, or who I've been angry with, I've now grown closer to, or have a new-found respect for. Others, who I have struggled with in the past, I still continue to struggle with even now.
Over Christmas I tried to put my extreme dislike of one person behind me, just for the day. It worked, and I managed to see them in a somewhat positive light. But then like today, when I remember the shit petty-ness, insecure mind games and arrogance I've received from them in the past, my anger fuels up again and I feel really mad. It's not black and white. Nothing in life ever really is. But the fact that I'm trying to learn, trying to move on, and trying to accept the fact that in order to solve your relationship problems you need to change yourself, tells me that I've made some progress.
Grrr. Changing myself at the ignorance of others just shits me. I'm not the problem. But often in life you've got to swallow your pride (and let Karma take care of the rest....)
To continue on my path of spiritual growth and self-development.
Yes. Simply put, yes. Through all my reading and thinking and my daily work calendar full of quotes like "First say to yourself what you would be; and then do what you have to do." - Epictetus.
To enjoy life.
This one I completely forgot I wrote down, yet this is the one that must have stayed subconciously in my mind, because this one I, we, have definitely achieved.
We have stepped it up a gear. One of our motto's is "work hard, play hard." We don't always get a chance to do what we want, what with work, family commitments, and other occasions that take up our weekends. So when we do get spare time, we go all out. It may not be big to some, but to us we take extreme pleasure in it: buying coffee whenever we go shopping; eating big and well at very decent restaurants; spoiling ourselves on quality clothes; buying unique and different furniture to furnish our home. We spend a bit more, because that's the kind of life we want: one consisting of quality. Not in the future, but from NOW. Starting from right now.
And we have been doing it, for about 6 months now. Going out, splurging, exploring the town and just smiling. Life is now. You don't wait for tomorrow to enjoy it. That's what we've been doing. Any spare moment we get we enjoy it to the fullest potential, so that when we return to work the next day we don't feel pity for ourselves in seeing someone sitting and relaxing in the sun, and enjoying a coffee at an exclusive cafe.
(Yesterday we had chocolate drizzled cappuccinos and shared a huge waffle for two, drizzled also with chocolate, with side accompaniments of ice cream, strawberries and banana - and today I'm ok with being back at work :) )
Ok, enough reflecting, now for my 2012 Resolutions!
1. To finish the first draft of my first book by late Feb, and by the end of the year have it published with a reputable publisher, with the intention of writing more books in the series for that publisher. This is my first and foremost resolution, it is direct because I know exactly what I want. I'm more than half way there. It WILL happen!
2. To continue to read more, especially in ways that will help along with my writing, and also to read books that will continue to help me better myself spiritually. This is a two-fold resolution. So we'll go to 4.
4. To do some form of exercise ( I have to sigh at this resolution ) however in particular I want to zone in on my arms and make them more toned. I have a goal in mind, as Red has some arm exercises she has to give me in paper form. As soon as she gives them to me, (hopefully soon!) I start! As for the other general exercise, hopefully I will do Zumba with my at-home DVDs, if I can't make myself apply to yoga classes. Yes, as far as resolutions go, my tone in this one sucks, but hey, I have to try, true?
5. To continue living life with Hubbie to the full in every way, shape and form.
6. To continue thinking, believing and LIVING the law of attraction, both for myself and in unison with Hubbie. Although he says I inspired him, some things he has achieved of late have inspired me so much that I want us to continue on this enlightened path, aware that all that we want and aim for in life, we will have.
These, my friends, are my wishes and hopes for myself, and I wish you, all the same happiness, love, health and success that you so rightly deserve.
"Look, I don't have all the answers. To be honest, in life, I failed as often as I succeeded. But I love my wife. I love my life. And I wish you, my kind of success."
- (Best ever end-of-movie quote! 'Jerry Maguire.')
annoying people,
inspirational quotes,
Jane Austen,
Jerry Maguire,
New Year Resolutions,
The Secret,
the STORY,
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