Friday, September 24, 2010

Take Note

So, I find myself sitting here in front of my laptop, approximately 12:17am Friday morning.
Yes, approximately. That's a joke Red and I have.

I really should go to bed. I'm not at work tomorrow, but for some reason the thought of climbing into bed right now isn't sitting well with me. Maybe because it would be like I'm making peace with my scrambled thoughts and uneasy feelings, when I'm definitely not.

So instead I've been sitting here for the last 10 minutes, clicking "Next Blog," in my search to find great blogs out there in the Blogger-verse.

Amidst the bike riding and personal blogs (there were a few parent/kiddy ones too, in true Blogger style) there were a lot coming up about religion, in particular Christians and pastors, with many a Bible quoting.

I was thinking "enough already," especially since I know that once Blogger gets onto a theme, it won't stop.  It seems the shorter you stay on a blog and the quicker you click "Next Blog," the more of that kind of blog you will get.

Eh, Murphy's Law.

But then I stopped and thought. What if this is trying to tell me something? I happened to be on a Christian blog (I told you) so I stopped and looked at some words on the page:
"Stop looking at the struggle, look at the joy!"

Here I was feeling down and depressed for no apparent reason other than from my own doing, and totally ignoring the subtle signs around me. Maybe I was supposed to be focusing on good things in my life, rather than letting myself feel weird. I should just put it down to my latest 10-day work marathon and lack of sleep this week, rather than look to some fake external cause to my recent state of mind.

Ok, not so subtle sign. Something just totally slammed/fell/broke in this silent house. Not kidding. I have no idea what it is.

So maybe that's a wrap up. The blogs are telling me "don't be so sad dudette," and my house is telling me "go to bed or I'll freaking kill you."

Going now.

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