Sunday, September 19, 2010

I just have to vent that I don't suck arse

Yes, arse, as in the Aussie spelling of it.

You know, I just get peeved when I see people blatantly selling their blogging brand in a pathetic attempt to create pity and blogger generosity. There are people who use their blogs as a social interactive tool, where they try better the lives of others and create general goodwill. (Insert blog case carrotspeak.) Carrie, she's awesome. There are those that like to educate, reviewing social media such as television, books and the like. (Insert blog case LikeTelevision Blog). That is cool. I read some interesting things on Quentin Tarantino not too long ago. And I luurrvvveeee Quentin.

Then there are others that like to talk about their life (like me! sheepish grin ensues ;) ) I have found the blog of 'Clever Girl Goes Blog' most recently, and her blog is especially entertaining to read.

Then there are those, who it seems simply want to use their followers in an effort to gain popularity and better their own cause, without a thought as to the true intentions one is supposed to be involved in, in the unofficial etiquette of the blogging world. (Not naming ANY names) Why can't we all just blog together in happiness and not be selfish with our blogging intentions?

As a purely fabricated example, would YOU be happy with a blogger indirectly asking you to help them out by being their taxi driver 24/7?

(As I said, purely fabricated example, it's late and quite surprisingly my creative juices are at a nil, and it's late at work and it's past home time. 'Nuff said.)

So this is just me people, getting frustrated by annoying people again.

Why must there be so many annoying people in this world?

Sucking arse, is sooooo annoying. This anonymous blogger that I randomly came across is sucking arse in asking his/her (haha, didn't think you'd get it out of me that easily now, would you? I'm not that tired) followers to pick them up and take them around the city, and shockingly, these followers are so desperate to gain followers and suck arse in return, that they are willingly begging to be the taxi driver! Yes! All of them! One stupid person yes, but a zillion?! This is why I ask, why are there annoying people out there?


Going home now.

And like the morning after a one-night stand, in the morning I will look at this post and say "Ugh, I did that?!"

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