Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Twilight obsessions and the Pez Dispenser

That post title almost sounds like a book in the Lord of the Rings series.

'The legend of Twilight obsessions and the Pez Dispenser.'


Anyway, thought I might give you a quick follow up on some recent goings-on. The Pez story? You know, ex, former, bestie? Well, after I suggested on her facebook page that we catch up, perhaps on a Monday, she hasn't written anything back. Which is cool. I don't mind. I'm chilling, I'm hip with it all. But oddly intrigued. I know that if she were to respond, I'd be like "Noooooooo!"

Or would I?


She has "liked" some of my recent status' (totally unrelated either consciously or sunconsciously to her in any way) and I wanted to "like" one of hers recently, however I decided against it, making the decision that if I would "like'' it, I would be tempting her to respond to my earlier question about catching up, out of guilt, like what I think occurred weeks ago (outlined in my post "Oops, I did it again"). And I say I think in reference to the guilt part.

So no interaction unless it comes from her. I wanna see what happens, or doesn't happen.

I ended up watching Eclipse again, with Hubbie. And yes, it was awesome. More awesome than awesome, I loved it. I was watching it from a purely different viewpoint this time. Rather than critical, I was more absorbed, intrigued, even though I knew what would play out on screen. And you know what? I actually change my initial standing, I think the movie does an exceptional job of bringing what we've read to life on the big screen. Considering the length of the book and how much detail goes into it, we get to see a lot of the good, juicy, and integral storylines.

I really loved it:)

And I had tears in my eyes in 3 scenes!

1. Bella and her Mum: when her Mum gives her that quilt, saying that it will keep her warm in Alaska, and maybe one day her children will need it, and Bella gives her that poignant, moving, emotional hug. Ohhhhhhhh! So sweet and sad.

2. Jasper and Bella: After Jasper recounts his back story to Bella, Alice comes up behind him, and one of them says something like "I was waiting for you" in reference to the other coming into their life. And they share the sweetest look and kiss. Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! So romantic and sweet.

3. Edward and Bella: I'm less sure of this one, but I'm almost certain it's when they are lying in her bed, and he is assuring her that he will love her even when she is a vampire.

Oh, oh, oh! How could I forget the most important Edward and Bella moment, when he proposes to her on bended knee.


Such a girl I know. But it is a beautiful moment, so sweet, romantic, and special. How could you not be moved?

Another highlight was Hubbie's response to it. On the way home, I was asking him what he thought of it. I'm always especially interested in his viewpoint when it comes to the general Twilight series, because:

A) he is a man, and I don't understand how men can be so intrigued by the story (and I say that in the least condescending way possible, I only say it because I believe it is targeted at a female audience)

B) he hasn't read any of the books.

He first stated, quite simply, that he thought the first installment was the best, Twilight. I don't know why that is, but it might have something to do with the hype only just beginning, and in general, perhaps people didn't have many expectations of it.

Then he asked, quite seriously: "Why is Bella so depressed and complaining all the time?"

LOLOL. Story of everyone's Twilight-life, question on everyone's lips after reading the books, is always about Bella. I tried to explain, and I think I did, but I couldn't help thinking of it again and again.

It really made me laugh. Well, at least with a comment like that, you definitely know the film has brought across at least one major theme from the books!

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