Sunday, August 29, 2010

Oh F^%#.

I am soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

spewing at the late, late, late discovery I fell upon late, late, late last night.

During another one of my work marathon's, in which I was to work practically an overnight shift, I found myself here at work last night, on a Saturday night, right before midnight, aimlessly surfing the web and looking for interesting blogs to read before I was to start my main work shift on a rugby program that was arriving late.

As I was searching, I thought I would do a spontaneous search on Angel, as in Buffy/Angel, of which there are few greater shows than. :) I plan to someday soon create a blog devoted entirely to Angel, one of my all-time fave shows, so I was just curious to see what there was out there already on the topic.

I came upon Joss Whedon's blog, aptly titled Whedonesque. I was intrigued, but still quite casual about it all, randomly scrolling up and down the page, reading the news displayed on the home page.

The first point at which I saw something interesting was reading the news that Jane Espenson, Buffy/Angel writer among other shows, was coming to Melbourne for a forum, where certain industry specialists would speak to screenwriters, directors, etc, about connecting with the audience. I had to read over this bit a few times to really comprehend what was going on, mainly because

A) it was late

B) the date on the news post said "August 27" and so I thought perhaps the forum had already passed. But luckily for me, it's coming up.

C) I also kept looking at a nearby post about it being J. August Richards birthday (on the 28th)

Happy Birthday J.!

D) I was slightly stunned by the fact that I should come across this post, and have it be so relevant to me, living in Melbourne, but also however having recently decided that I wanted to get into my writing again.

So whilst slightly still stunned from this information, and in the background of my mind working out how I would make it to the forum in amongst work, still scrolling half-absentmindedly through the page, my eyes fell upon something else on the page.

I think I read it a few times, before it actually sunk in. Still confused and surprised at my sheer luck in finding that an Angel/Buffy writer was going to be speaking at an upcoming event in Melbourne, I don't think my eyes fully grasped or could understand the further luck/extreme disappointment, at what I was reading next.

Under August 27, (and I was reading this the day after)

"Tonight in Melbourne - An Evening with Joss Whedon."



"Tonight in Melbourne - An Evening with Joss Whedon."

Sorry, where?

"Tonight in Melbourne - An Evening with Joss Whedon."


"Tonight in Melbourne - An Evening with Joss Whedon."

Look at the date. August 28. Look at the posted date. August 27.


Where again?

I read a bit more into it, and found that it was held at the Melbourne Town Hall. As I read comments left by those who had had the fortunate luck of knowing about the event and had attended, my disbelief at the whole thing grew, as did my utter sadness and disappointment at knowing I had missed out, due to my complete obliviousness.

From comments left on the site, it seems he had spoken about Buffy and Angel, hinted at future things (?), spoken about his writing, perhaps writing a book (although I think that was done in jest) and in true Joss style, made a lot of Joss-esque comments. I was sooooooooooo in a state of EVERYTHING.

A quarter disbelief, a quarter sadness, a quarter intrigue, a quarter excitement and a quarter frustration. Yes I know that's not a whole, but I'm not normally a whole person either.

That's what my feelings were composed of in that moment.


Why hadn't I known about it? The genius, my all-time inspiration, my tv icon..... Joss! Why hadn't I known?

Well, I know why I hadn't known. Despite Angel being one of my all-time favourite shows, since the show ended I hadn't been overly in the loop with all things Angel. Right after it ended, there was lots of talk about other Angel/Buffy related projects starting up, however, nothing ever eventuated (in a 'screen' sense, that is). Very doubtful I was about all this, and since I'd been busy doing other things all these years, like getting a job, making some sort of career for myself and getting married, I'd sort of put my previous loves, like Angel, and writing, on the backburner. And in turn just sort of, forgot, to put it back on the frontburner. It's only now that I've gotten the bug back, that I've even remembered all those things that used to inspire me so.

Like Joss.

Ugh! I missed it! SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO spewing!

And it was run by Sue Turnbull, who funnily enough is a media writer who taught me in a few subjects at uni. No surprise she mediated it, as she is a MASSIVE Buffy fan.

I just can't believe that when I've started to think about writing professionally again, I should miss an opportunity like this. I don't know whether to take it as a sign, that hey, don't go down that path (because I freakin' missed it!) or hey, "remember that guy Joss you used to idolise, well he's still around, and you should take some inspiration from him."

Imagine discovering that the man who you look up to so much in your main line of interest, was in your home town, and you missed seeing him BY A DAY.

And you just rediscovered your main love.

And you were bloody working when people were enjoying the company of Joss.


My disbelief at the profound series of events that have occurred recently, just keeps growing and growing.

Must finish in a Joss quote.

During the event, he was asked 'how does it feel like to be God?'

Joss Whedon (God): “Well, when I made the mountains, I thought “they’re good”, but... I don’t believe in me, which is actually awkward.”

F^&#ing legend.

(Information taken from

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