Monday, December 27, 2010

Christmas wishes

Christmas was full of love, happiness, presents, and HEAPS of food and drink, as per usual.

A few things have made me think differently. Change the way I view things, shift my perspective on what irritates me.

As I walked to work early on Christmas Eve, every person I passed, or who walked by me, I wished a great day.

This is how it was in my head:

"I wish you a wonderful day. And you and you. I wish you a great day, I wish you a great day, and you and you....."

and so forth. I don't know, I guess the spirit of the season awakened within me some outpouring of kindness. Not to say I'm not a nice person, but I've never really thought anything like that. I genuinely wished good things for the people around me, from one human being to the next. We are all so different, yet exactly the same.

And so, as Christmas day was drawing to a close, I thought of a few things. I pondered the people who had upset me recently, and also in the last year. And seriously, driving home, I specifically spoke out loud in my head:

"I thank all those who have upset me in the last year. I thank you because you have made me stronger, you have provided me with the challenge to grow as a person, and to discover the alternatives in life to handling people like you. To all of you, I wish you the best."

And I think I meant it.

It's so easy to get upset at others and blame them when there is a problem, rather than to try look at them as a human being. I think that's when we are at our worst; we are lowering that person to something less than a human so that when we put them down, either out loud or in our minds, it is done so more easily. But when we remind ourselves that they have their own issues, and they are reacting the only way they know how, or just because they don't know any better, that changes things. We soften bit, and lower our raging thoughts. And think, 'oh.'

Not to say that you should feel sorry for or pity everyone. That isn't cool, acting superior over others. And not to say you can't get upset. That's a very real and normal emotion too. Just remember we are all human, and if someone upsets you, wish them the best. It changes the dynamic of emotions, and puts you in control of how you feel. That's the best you can do.

Merry Christmas :-D

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