Friday, August 21, 2009

Summer is your Saturday, so today must be Spring

Driving to work today, I started to think about how great it was that it was Friday. Isn't it odd, how the whole anticipation of Friday afternoon and the weekend, the whole lead-up to it, is actually in some ways better and more thrilling than experiencing the actual weekend?
I think it's due to our wild imaginations. In our heads we have a multitude of plans and ideas, people to see, places to go and things to do, and the thought of all the endless possibilities create pure excitement. More often than not, we don't even get to do half of what we planned to do, then we get to Sunday, and as quickly as the excitement welled up, just as quick does it diminish when you see what's around the corner.
The start of the working week.
It's much like the seasons.
I love summer. Love, love, love it. I would rather be caught up in a boiling hot stinking day than be freezing my absolute you-know-what off. It is soooooo uncomfortable when it is cold. Yet when it's warm you can relax, read a book, tan, go for walks, shopping, eat out....... not that you can't do that in horrible weather (hehe) but you know, the wind and rain sort of ruins it. And in summer, well the sun shines on everything you do. :)
So I got to thinking. It's not the most mind-blowing of metaphors, but it works for me. The end of the working week is much like the anticipation of summer (well for those that favourably anticipate it.)
Friday is like the end of Winter, start of Spring, where you start to get that crisp Sunny weather, but it's still cold enough to remind you that it's not swimming weather yet.
Not that it matters that you have to wait, because you're already excited! It's here, it's here! Just knowing it's close, it's around the corner, is all you need. So you start to plan what you'll do on all your sunny days off, where you'll go, where you'll walk, eat, shop and just sun around. You make all of these plans, and it puts a right big smile on your face. :)
Then suddenly, before you know it, it's Summer! Like your Saturday, you go about doing all the big things you planned for, and hey, you do enjoy yourself! But somewhere in the back of your mind, you're thinking "something unfavourable is just around the corner," and as much as you try to put it out of your mind, you can't seem to forget the fact that the chill is approaching, in both literal and figurative terms. But time moves too quickly. All these things you plan on doing, well you're lucky if you do half of them. Time ticks and slips away through your fingers and you suddenly start to wish you had more time. But because you don't know a crazy old scientist with a DeLorean time machine, you can't really do much about it.
Quicker than you can click your fingers, Autumn is here. Sunday and Autumn are reflective times, when you look back at the good times you've just had, and try brace yourself for what's ahead. You try to enjoy it as well, hey it's not that bad, not yet, but to no avail. You've past the best and now the only way to look is forward.
And then it comes. Winter again. Monday morning.
It's a cycle, that we perform every week, every year. Despite not getting anything really done, and despite being disappointed when Monday comes around, we still allow ourselves to get excited over and over again, knowing in the back of our minds that we'll soon be disappointed.
But we're human. We need something to look forward to.
In the end, all you can do is look forward to Friday again, so the sun can start to shine on you.

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