Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Mule Face has done it again

You know, sometimes I wonder if my blog is really just an avenue to vent my frustrations about the world and people in it. I wonder this because when things are going well (as they have been in the last while) I have nothing really to blog about. I don't wanna be a whinge and a depressive nag, but it's hard with people like Mule Face in it.

You remember that letter I 'wrote' to her in my blog, that stupid horsed-face dumbfounded irritable-laughing-hyena bitch from work? Yeah her.

I just walked over to her desk to request something from her, to get some assistance with something I was working on.

I sort of thought to myself as I got up 'come on, just be nice, she'll have to actually muster up some niceness and reply with at least a small amount of human decency.'

So I walked on over to her and said happily "Hi, how's it going?"

She turned to me, with her dull, dead, expression, and said "Yeah?"

Almost flustered now, I started with my work request. I saw she was typing an email, so I said to her "did you want me to just send you an email instead?"

"Yeah, I'm just sending an email."

As I walked off, the nob who sits across from her, who I used to think was a nob until she showed up in our work area, called out "we start finishing off at 4.30." I laughed, it was the only thing I could do, as the only other retort that came to my mind was "half of our department actually are starting at that time," as a side rib that hey, not everyone finishes when you guys do, and you should accomodate for that, dickhead.

I sent the shortest email. No hi. Just bang - request.

The bitch either felt bad (that's assuming she possesses the human quality of compassion) or just wants to cover herself and NOT sound like a bitch in her emails, because she wrote:


That is fine.

Thanks for that!


Mule Face. (she didn't acutally sign off with 'mule face' but she may as well have)

WOW. An explanation mark, thank you, AND a cheers in one email. Be careful Mule Face you might pull a muscle.

What a stupid bitch. Really. How can you be so rude to someone? Not once but all the time. I wish the others I worked with could see how mean she is. I have done nothing wrong to her, and she just reacts really rudely to me. She's all chummy with my boss, I think that's a side effect of being a Mule - sucking arse.

Take your donkey face elsewhere...... we don't like people with long faces around here.

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