Friday, November 13, 2009

Spiders and Moths vs. Miss S.

And so it is, the end of the week. And as I look back, the most prominent thing that stands out in my memories are bloody spiders and moths.
The freaking spiders and the freaking moths.
Although it's only Spring, this fair, ridiculously unpredictable city of ours, has experienced some bizarre heat wave in the past week, with temperatures barely dropping under 30 degrees celcius.
With heat like that, there have been some unexpected and unwelcome visitors in our home.
Now, with spiders, although I'm not a total arachnophobe like my sister is, I still don't like them. They totally freak me out, and I don't like them anywhere near me. I can handle them better than my sis though. Hubbie pointed out one of her bizarre talents only a week ago, it's hilarious. She has some sort of freaky spider radar. She can enter a room/area, and within moments determine and pinpoint the location of every creepy crawly, and with a dismissive hand point out to her husband the areas in which he needs to get to work exterminating.
Think Arnie in Terminator 2 scanning for the bad terminator via his radar, however in this instance it's spiders.
LOL it's great to watch.
Anyway, as I was saying, I don't like spiders. But what I have an unnatural phobia of are moths. Ugh. Shudder. Just the mere thought of them totally freaks me out. I won't go into too much detail about them, because it will start to make me feel sick, but let's just say the way they look, and fly, and the possibility of them with my hair....
Move on.
Unfortunately for me we've had both spiders AND moths. More spiders, far more. Moths have been small, luckily, but still a decent size for me to have to insist on their death.
I've actually almost lost count of the times and places I've gone on my killing spree/demanded Hubbie to kill. Just tonight, only an hour ago, I killed 2 spiders. These aren't your little jumping spiders, these are huge Mothers, freakin' put all others to shame. That's why I'm so scared/fed up/overwhelmed. Why the hell are they coming out? Where are they coming from? I mean, how many spiders could there possibly be in one household?
I've chased them, killed them, tracked them, stamped on them, used my shoe, I've become a spider-killing expert. It's resulted in huge paranoia. I'm constantly looking around me, above to the walls and ceilings, scanning the floors, checking out every nook and cranny for a disgusting... thing. Ugh. The big ones are the scary ones, but usually kark it straight away from the mortein, despite their size.
Moths I can't stand. Those I corner into rooms, close the door, and then leave until Hubbie is able to get rid of them.
Just the other night, I was pleading for him to get a moth out of our bedroom, I needed to get stuff out of there. "Kill eat, save it, eat it, do whatever you want with it just get it out of here."
He raised an eyebrow "Does that mean you'll still kiss me if I eat it?"
"Well then don't say eat it."
"Oh." Scowl follows. Just kill the bloody thing.
Moths have generally popped up upstairs in the bedrooms, but spiders have been everywhere! Especially the lounge room, that's the 'hang-out,' especially for the big mothers.
I love summer. I LOVE summer weather. But what I'm beginning to realise, in this house anyway, is that summer heat is going to have a side-effect this year, a big annoying, constantly popping up and reoccurring nuisance.
I'm staring at one now. Don't worry it's not a live one. I flooded it with spray just a while ago, and now it lies dead, at the foot of the stairs.
Huh. Serves you right spider. You don't enter our domain! Tell your friends now to stay away..... oh, that's right. Well hopefully your friends have special spider radar and can sense your deadness.....

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